The directory has been getting some great coverage.

WP Tavern, Post Status Notes, WPLift, WP Mayor, WP Chat,, WinningWP, WP Clipboard, WP Hunt and numerous users of social media have helped introduce almost 3,000 people to Pro Plugin Directory since launching two weeks ago. I am very grateful to those of you who have shared about this project. You’ve helped get the ball rolling.

One of the latest pieces of coverage is an interview I participated in with Brin Wilson of WinningWP. He asked some great questions and we had a good time. It also resulted in a discussion on WP Chat.

There’s a lot more to do. More marketing must be done and more plugins need to be listed. Please help me by continuing to share about the directory, write blog posts, make tweets and submit plugin reviews. I am very encouraged that Pro Plugin Directory can become a “go to” place for WordPress plugins with a price tag.

Published by Steven Gliebe

I make things for the web. That includes WordPress themes at and a tool for helping people find web hosting at I also like growing food.


  1. Best of luck Steven. :)

  2. Great site - well done, Steven. Keep up the good work!


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