Architect is a multipurpose content layout builder. It takes your existing content and provides the means to display it in slider, grid, masonry, tabbed, tabular or accordion layouts, all using just the one plugin. In Architect, a layout is, of course, called a Blueprint.

Blueprints can display content from any post type and, if you change your theme, you still have all your Blueprints ready to reuse and they can even inherit styling from your new theme.

Architect is not a page builder as such, therefore you are not limited to how you display your Blueprints. You can display Blueprints using shortcodes, widgets, template tags or action hooks. To make hooks even easier to use, Architect has a built-in tool to allow you to hook a Blueprint to an action hook in your theme. And the same Blueprint can be used as often as required as is, or with content overrides.

These methods of displaying Architect Blueprints give you the flexibility to show them within your page’s content itself or in the page design. This means you can also use Architect with dedicated page builders.

And, if you don’t like the layout the WordPress gallery shortcode uses, you can even replace it with Blueprint design of your own.

Architect has an extensive range of settings to fine tune your designs, the content displayed and their styling and, as it’s all-in-one, it allows you to easily switch between layout types, for those times when you or your client decide that a grid should be a masonry layout, or that a slideshow would be better as a grid layout and so on.

It also comes with additional content types built-in for testimonials, showcases and a generic content type, called snippets, that can be used for anything else when you don’t want to use a post or page. Using Snippet’s categories and Architect’s filtering, you can thus use Snippets for all sorts of content.

Unique to Architect, and incredibly useful, is it’s intelligent cropping option using image focal points. These are set with a single click when you upload an an image. No more chopped off heads! Other unique features for a plugin like this are the built in dummy content, featured video field, replaceable WP gallery layout and the tabular layout.

Architect should work with any WP standards compatible theme, and although you can never guarantee 100% compatibility with the 10s of thousands of WordPress plugins, it has been tested with and is compatible with many popular ones, including WPML, Woo Commerce, Advanced Custom Fields and NextGen Gallery.


The PizazzWP Shop is the outlet for my plugins. I specialise in plugins to save you time and effort laying out your content in grids, sliders accordions and others.

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  • Multipurpose all-in-one
  • Focal point image cropping
  • Supports any post types
  • Filters on any taxonomy
  • Display any custom field
  • Developer extensible
  • 20 preset layouts
  • Animate content
  • Replace WP Gallery
  • Theme agnostic
  • Responsive design
  • Device specific options
  • Dummy content built in
  • Multisite compatible
  • Export/import Blueprints