Caldera URL Builder is a visual editor for WordPress permalink structures that lets you create the URL structures you need quickly and easily — for every single post type, in seconds. What could take you hours of work, or a lot of money to pay someone else to do — create the exact, SEO-friendly permalinks you need for your post types, can be done by anyone using an intuitive visual editor.

Simply select a post type and then add URL segments, using static strings of text, or any taxonomy associated with the post type. You can even edit the URLs for taxonomy and post type archives.


Easy to to use WordPress plugins that are simple to manage, and create a great end-user experience. Makers of Caldera Forms, a responsive drag and drop form builder; Caldera URL Builder, the visual permalinks editor & more.


  • cool plugin

    nice plugin been looking for something like this to make my urls prettier =D

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    • Create SEO-friendly permalinks in seconds
    • Works on every post type
    • Super simple to use
    • Instant feedback if your rules will work or not
    • Prevents creating clashing URLs that would create 404s