Customer Specific Pricing is a WooCommerce plugin that allows you to set different price for each registered Customer, Role or Group for simple or variable products. WooCommerce allows you to display a sale price that is visible to all customers alike, but with Customer Specific Pricing you can set a special price for customer, role or group. This price could be a discounted price for them.


Customer Specific Pricing
This feature allows the store admin to set a custom price for each registered user.

Role Specific Pricing
The Role Specific Pricing feature allows the store admin to set a custom price for every role (eg subscriber, customer, contributor, manager etc)

Group Specific Pricing
The Group Specific Pricing allows the store admin to set custom prices for each group (eg vip, platinum, gold, silver etc)

Pricing Manager
The Pricing Manager feature allows the store admin to set custom prices for a certain customers, roles or groups for one or multiple products all at once from a single window.

Bulk Import/Export
The bulk import/export feature allows the store admin to import/export product prices for users, groups and roles at once.

Even if the sale price is different the plugin will display the price that you set for the specific customer, role or group.


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  • Set discounted/special prices for specific customers
  • Set discounted/special prices for certain roles
  • Set discounted/special prices for groups
  • Set custom prices for specific users, roles or groups for one or multiple products from a single page at once
  • Bulk import/export custom prices easily