Really simple and easy to use plugin to let your visitors know that your site is following latest GDPR law rules.

Are you interested in showing an advice message about the new GDPR law?
This is your plugin! GDPR Ready advice adds a tiny and non-intrusive banner fixed to the bottom left corner of your website.

Activating this plugin is not equal to meet your responsabilities and obligations with General Data Protection Regulation. You should follow all your requirements and responsibilities required by law.


Diseño, creación y posicionamiento web con más de 10 años de experiencia en el sector de la Informática y las telecomunicaciones. Atención personalizada para cada uno de nuestros clientes. ¿Quieres mejorar tu presencia en Internet? Te ayudamos ;)

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  • gdpr compliance
  • gdpr advice
  • gdpr message
  • general data protection regulation
  • data protection message
  • gdpr ready
  • data protection compliance
  • message with gdpr advice
  • visitors gdpr advice
  • gdpr advice