If you administer multiple WordPress websites you’ve more then likely felt the time consuming burden of having to log into each site to perform basic functions such as writing posts, updating plugins, themes, managing users or creating a backup. With MainWP you can do all of that from your own self-hosted open source Dashboard.

MainWP is offered under the freemium model. The Free version allows you to perform many of your daily administration tasks including 1-click updates, adding and editing posts and pages, and creating backups for all of your connected sites.

There are 3 distinct parts to MainWP.

1. The MainWP Dashboard Plugin (Free) - This plugin get installed on it’s own WP site and controls your child sites.

2. The MainWP Child Plugin (Free) - This Plugin is installed on your existing WP sites.

3. MainWP Extensions (Free and Paid) - These add additional functionality to your MainWP Dashboard

To get started all you need to do is connect your new MainWP Dashboard (1) to your existing WordPress sites (2) and start managing your sites.

We are able to offer MainWP for free by selling Extensions which add enhanced functionality to your MainWP Dashboard allowing you to tailor your Dashboard to fit your specific needs.

Currently MainWP offers over 30 Extensions which include additional features for backups, marketing, SEO, maintenance, security, monitoring and other valuable tools to keep your clients happy.

We’ve even gone so far as to integrate some of the most popular WordPress plugins as Extensions so you can control all their features and functions on your Child sites directly from your Dashboard saving you precious configuration time. These Extension integrations include Yoast SEO, UpdraftPlus, BackUPWordPress, WordFence, iThemes Security, Broken Link Checker and others.

At MainWP we strive to make your daily WordPress administration tasks fast and easy freeing up your time for other tasks.


MainWP is designed for users with more than 1 WordPress site to ease the burden of day to day management tasks, even if the sites are hosted on different servers. Our user base is generally Marketers, Developers, Affiliates and Web Design Shops who have multiple sites they need to control.


  • That fancy "Update All" Button...

    … makes my life ALOT easier. So, I get notified by email that there are updates to my pool of sites. I login, I check what’s about, then I hit “Update All” and go on with life. Imagine doing at least one update per site, for, say 10 sites. A huge time saver, for free. And with the other very useful extensions (some free, some paid), you do really have your own webdesign administrative powerhorse unde your own rules. You can even hide the fact that you administer the child site, you can bulk edit sites, you can automatically backup one or all sites, you can even white label dashboards. Extensions definitely worth (and they are lifetime).

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  • My go-to solution for site maintenance

    I switched from ManageWP to MainWP a little over a year ago and I’ve been very pleased. MainWP does everything I need with only a few paid extensions (I spent less for several extensions with lifetime licenses than I was paying per MONTH previously) and the support team is amazingly responsive on the rare occasions I’ve run into an issue. Having MainWP installed on my server (as opposed to a cloud solution) gives me improved control if something isn’t working the way I expect. Overall, I highly recommend MainWP for managing multiple sites.

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    • Fully Open Source
    • Self-hosted
    • No Recurring Charges
    • One-click updates
    • 1-Click Updates
    • Automated Updates
    • Multiple Backup Options
    • Add or Remove Plugins
    • Add or Remove Themes
    • Manage Posts & Pages
    • Over 30 available Extensions
    • Client reports
    • Team Control for users
    • White Label Branding
    • Multiple Security Extensions