Photographers can make significantly more selling prints and digital downloads to their clients than on session fees if done right. There are many client proofing platforms with monthly fees and commission fees and it is all housed on some other server with some other design that doesn’t match your site and branding. Sunshine Photo Cart is a WordPress plugin that integrates directly into your theme on your website with no hassle - have it on your site in less than a minute.

Sunshine started out as a Premium/Paid only plugin. For 2 years it was developed to become feature rich and stable. With our latest release, we have switched to the freemium model and the core plugin is now free on with paid add-ons.

The core plugin has everything you need to get client proofing going. Our add-ons make Sunshine as feature rich and even more so than many hosted options and the few other WordPress plugin options. Here is a look at what Sunshine has to offer:

Digital Downloads: Allow clients to purchase and instantly (and securely) download high resolution images from their session.

Discount Codes: People buy more when they get a discount code - everyone loves a discount. Create very complex discount codes to make available for your clients.

Packages: Sell an 8×10, 11×14 and a digital download all for a single price. Packages are extremely popular to include as part of session fees and weddings. This add-on makes creating and selling packages a breeze.

Price Levels / Price Sheets: Many photographers will sell the same 8×10 to a wedding client for more than their portrait clients. With Price Levels, you can easily create as many different prices for the same product. Each client gallery can be assigned a Price Level making it easy to sell the same product at different prices.

Automated Email Marketing: Email marketing is still an amazingly effective method of increasing sales. With our automated marketing add-on, you can have emails automatically sent to clients based on how they have interacted with galleries and settings for the gallery. For example, have an email sent to everyone who has viewed a specific gallery 2 days before it expires… and include a unique coupon code specifically for that user for an extra discount to boot!

Analytics: See how users are interacting with your galleries and images. Find the images & galleries with the most sales. See what your actual profit is instead of just sales totals. Great data lets you be a more effective seller.

There are many other add-ons including integrations with MailChimp and Campaign Monitor, Lightbox and Masonry style effects, Product Options, Tiered Pricing, Client Messaging tool and so much more.

You can also become a Pro member and have access to every. single. add-on. for a single annual price along with Premium Support.

Sunshine Photo Cart

Freemium WordPress plugin Sunshine Photo Cart is a client proofing and e-commerce plugin built specifically for photographers. Create a client gallery, let them review, mark favorites, and buy prints & digital downloads. Add-ons include packages, use discount codes, automated email marketing,…


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  • Unlimited galleries, images, orders
  • No sales commission fees!
  • Integrates into any theme
  • PayPal, Stripe integration
  • Sell digital downloads
  • Sell packages
  • Discount codes
  • Automated email marketing
  • 16 and counting add-ons