Vina WordPress Quiz…

What is “Vina WordPress Quiz” ?

- Vina WordPress Quiz is a WordPress plugin support creating and taking online quiz on website using WordPress.

- It uses Twitter bootstrap v3.x for enhancing GUI and supporting responsive design and JQuery AJAX to interact with backend.

- Candidate can take free or paid online quiz for practising or revising knowledge.

- After finish exams,they can view results, even corrects answers and
share their best results with friends on Facebooks,Twitter, Google
Plus… Moreover, they can download certificates.

Run front end:

Back end:

User : hungnt

Pass: Hung@2412842083

Main features

- Support unlimited questions and answers

- Support 5 types of question:

+ One answer (single choice) question

+ Multiple answers (multiple choices) question

+ True/False question

+ Fill in the blank question

+ Match question

- Support displaying picture, audio, video in question

- Free and paid exam (paid exam via Paypal)

- Support view exam’s result in website.

- Share exam’s result via social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest

- Download exam’s certificate of website (PDF format)

- Support responsive design

- Support rich features for administrator.They are:

+ Categories management (supports multiple-level categories)

+ Question management (supports 5 types of question with picture, audio, video for each question)

+ Exams management (admin can create, update, delete an exam, choose questions for exam)


PHP 5.x +
WordPress 2.x +
Facebook,Google+, Pinterest account
Paypal account


Step 1: Install WordPress on your host
+ For example: after install WordPress 4.5.3 on my host, i have URL like this: (front end) (back end)
Step 2: Create a database on your host, for example create a database named “wordpress”.
Step 3: Run (back end), log in as administrator and start upload Vina WordPress Quiz plugin by choosing : Plugins -> Add new + Browse to Vina WordPress Quiz plugin “” and click Install +
Step 4: After plugin has been installed successfully, then you must activate plugin by clicking on link “Activate Plugin” + After activate plugin, you will see Vina Quiz menu on the left, hover on it, you will see all sub menu (all feautures) of Vina WordPress Quiz plugin: Congratulation! Now you can use Vina WordPress Quiz plugin.

Hung Nguyen The

I'm Hung Nguyen, has 8 years in web development using PHP , ASP.NET. My "Vina WordPress Quiz" plugin is using for creating and taking online quiz.


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  • Support unlimited questions and answers
  • Support 5 types of question:
  • + One answer (single choice) question
  • + Multiple answers (multiple choices) question
  • + True/False question
  • + Fill in the blank question
  • + Match question
  • Support displaying picture, audio, video in question
  • Free and paid exam (paid exam via Paypal)
  • Support view exam's result in website.
  • Share exam's result via social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest
  • Download exam's certificate of website (PDF format)
  • Support responsive design
  • Support rich features for administrator.They are:
  • + Categories management (supports multiple-level categories)
  • + Question management (supports 5 types of question with picture, audio, video for each question)
  • + Exams management (admin can create, update, delete an exam, choose questions for exam)