WP RSS Aggregator is the best plugin out there to create a feed reader/aggregator on your WordPress site.

While the core plugin provides simple and useful features, there are also various add-ons that add all sorts of extra functionality to the plugin, ranging from simple categories to importing the full content of posts from other sources, even when they’re not provided within the RSS feed itself!

Here’s the list of add-ons currently available for purchase from our site:

Feed to Post – an advanced importer that lets you import RSS feeds into posts or custom post types. Populate a website in minutes (autoblog). This is the most popular extension.

Keyword Filtering – filter imported feeds based on keywords/phrases/tags, so you only get items you’re interested in.

Excerpts & Thumbnails – display excerpts and thumbnails together with the title, date and source.

Categories – categorise your feed sources and display items from a particular category at will within your site.

WordAi – WordAi allows users to take an RSS feed and turn it into new content that is both completely unique and completely readable.

Full Text RSS Feeds – connectivity to our Full Text Premium service, which gives you the full content for unlimited feed items per feed source.

We also offer two special bundles:

The Simple Feeds Bundle is the bundle of add-ons we recommend that you use in order to create a simple and attractive feed display. This bundle contains the following add-ons: Excerpts & Thumbnails, Keyword Filtering and Categories. All together, the extensions are valued at $59, but you can get them all together for just $44.

The Advanced Feeds Bundle is our most popular bundle and for good reason. Ideal in cases where you want to build an entire site that pulls feeds from other sources or if you want to do something other than have a simple display of feeds. It includes the Feed to Post, Keyword Filtering and Full Text RSS Feeds add-ons. All together, the extensions are valued at $166, but you can get them all together for $139. Savings are especially good if you purchase a 5 or 20 site license.

Mark Zahra

I'm the Head Support Engineer for the WP RSS Aggregator WordPress plugin, while also contributing to the WP Mayor blog.


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  1. I tested this plugin thoroughly and was satisfied with what it did. They provide a tool to help create feeds for sites not having an RSS feed and I found it to work more than 90% of the time, which impressed me. The base plugin does a lot for free. The add-ons are something you may or may not need, but they are there and create a complete set of features that I didn’t find on other WordPress plugins.

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  • 6 Add-ons Available
  • Handy shortcode parameters
  • Easy management of feeds
  • Import/Export feed sources
  • Custom feed creation
  • Schedule feed imports
  • Auto setting of taxonomies
  • Auto setting of authors
  • Limit words in content
  • Prepend/Append text to content
  • Remove elements from content
  • Action and filter hooks
  • Multilingual-ready
  • WPML compatible
  • Multisite compatible
  • BuddyPress compatible