Tushar Bhadalkar and WPeka have been publishing some great interviews lately. I was asked to participate in an interview about Pro Plugin Directory. Tushar had some thoughtful questions and I was happy to answer. Give it a read if you’re interested in learning more about the history of Pro Plugin Directory, how it works and where it’s headed.

Steven Gliebe shares his future plans for Pro Plugin Directory

Here’s a sampling of the questions.

  • Tell us about your life before WordPress and afte rWordPress?
  • How did you zero in a niche set of themes – i.e. Church Themes?
  • You seem to have your fingers in many pies – tell us how you manage your time?
  • I know it is a little bit like asking to choose your favourite child – but which project is your pet project?
  • Pro Plugin Directory is an ambitious project – how was it born? How long did it take you to launch it?
  • Do you plan to introduce a fee from buyers for recommending a plugin? Or from developers for listing their plugin?
  • This should be easy enough – your favourite plugin? Maybe one you wished you had come up with yourself?
  • Tell us some lesser-known fun facts about you

Published by Steven Gliebe

I make things for the web. That includes WordPress themes at churchthemes.com and a tool for helping people find web hosting at HostingReviews.io. I also like growing food.

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