ACF Widgets helps you create custom widgets harnessing the features of Advanced Custom Fields, right from your WordPress dashboard. Use powerful fields like the repeater to create highly custom widgets with potentially complex layouts. Since you control the template code, anything is possible. Make custom queries, insert dynamic content, or do anything you want. Manipulate the data as you see fit.

Here are the all the steps for creating a widget with ACFW.

1. Create a new widget using the plugin.
2. Assign a field group to the widget using ACF.
3. Create a template file and place it in your theme, using ACF functions to get the widget data.
4. Use the widget in your theme.

Some additional features include the ability to include the plugin with a theme (just like ACF), define your widgets via code for easy use across themes, and lots of hooks to extend the functionality of ACFW.

All purchasers gain access to the support forums and automatic updates for one year.

Daron Spence

WordPress developer and aspiring freelancer. Available for custom development and projects.


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  • Create unlimited widgets
  • Custom templates
  • Full ACF feature compatibility
  • Add fields to default widgets
  • 3rd party widget Support
  • Great support
  • Automatic Updates