blogVault is a WordPress backup plugin and service that automatically makes and stores your WordPress backups. It is different from most WordPress backup plugins in that blogVault also stores your backups for you. You do not need to provide or pay for your own storage. blogVault has many features for making WordPress backups including incremental backups, automatic restore and 30 day history.

Other WordPress backup features with blogVault include the ability to store many gigabytes of data, the ability to extract individual files (as opposed to restoring a complete backup) and the ability to migrate your site from one server to another. You can also do test restores to blogVault’s own server before restoring your actual site, in case you are not sure which backup is the right version to restore.

blogVault has plans suitable for bloggers, multiple site owners and businesses.


blogVault is the most reliable way to backup a WordPress site. When it comes to backups you need something like blogVault which will give you complete peace of mind.


  • Will not work on a site without blogvault

    I have been using Blogvault for many years and I will not work on a website unless it is installed. Blogvault has saved my clients thousands of dollars. It makes migrating a site from dev area to production super super simple. Restoring is super easy - no manual restores! Backups are kept on a daily basis for months. Many times when a client is hacked, they don’t know when they were hacked into, and if you rely on your host’s backup from yesterday, you will only restore hacked files. The support is amazing. This software is so worth every dollar spent!

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    1. In my years of WordPress development, I have used almost all the popular backup solutions. But at some point, all of them have failed.
      BlogVault has always worked on all type of hosting environments including sharing hosting. It always works flawlessly for backups and migrations of small sites to big sites with gigs of data. BlogVault has saved me hours of work and money. It is a must have plugin for all my client and personal sites.
      One of the least known but finest backup and migration solutions.

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    • Automatic Backups
    • Incremental Backups
    • Offsite Storage Included
    • 30 Day History
    • Auto Restore
    • Test Restore
    • Use for Migration
    • Multiple Plan Sizes