CCBPress allows you to connect your WordPress site with Church Community Builder (CCB). With this connection, events and group information are automatically updated and displayed on your site as you make changes in CCB. There is no need to enter the data twice. The layouts adapt depending on the device you are viewing from to provide the best experience for your visitors. CCBPress utilizes the Customizer for all of the settings that affect the layout of your site.


An event calendar can be easily added to an existing page. You can specify a default campus or lock the calendar down to the campus of your choosing. Individual events are given their own URL and will display registrations forms as well as a map of the event location. Upcoming events can be added to any sidebar using our widget. The events can be filtered by any number of groups, group types or department.


Your public group search can be displayed natively on your site. Visitors can filter the groups to find exactly what they’re looking for. Group information can be displayed in any sidebar using our widget. There is also a widget for the group search form that allows you to setup a targeted search to bring back only specific groups.

FireTree Design

Whether it be a brand new website or a redesign, we make sure that our clients are happy and that it will help them to leverage their online presence to make a greater impact. We also love to develop themes and plugins for WordPress.


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  • Event Calendar
  • Individual Event Pages
  • Public Group Search
  • Upcoming Events Widget
  • Group Information Widget
  • Group Search Form Widget
  • Several shortcodes are available