Getting a website visitor to fill in a form is the beginning of the relationship not the end. Hopefully you will go on to receive an order, then deliver the goods and repeat again and again.

Running my own business and using Contact Form 7 to generate leads resulted in a deluge of emails, followed by a spaghetti of orders, leads, production steps, shipping details etc

GetScorecard is our solution, when a form is submitted, a contact is created in GetScorecard with the message attached to the customer. From a single screen you can email the client and have their relies attached to their record. You can create a sale and then use the drag an drop pipeline manager to move the order through all your business steps until you are ready to ship it out the door.

You business becomes efficient overnight. Sales don’t get lost in production. Everyone can see where an order is and what is happening to it.

Simple, efficient and effective.

Free, Pro and Enterprise plans are available.


Getscorecard is a CRM and order mangement system that takes Contact Form 7 data and allows you to turn the contact into a sale, then into a delivered product.


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  • Capture your Contact Form 7 contacts
  • Map your own buiness processes.
  • Move Enquires through drag and drop manager.
  • Integrate email