MetaRadio is a Now-Playing plugin for WordPress, allowing you to connect your Radio Automation System to WordPress. Send the current song & artist name, keep a searchable database of all previously played songs, display a program guide, create a popup live streaming player, and more!

This plugin will integrate with most professional radio automation systems, as well as other broadcast products, making this the perfect solution for internet radio stations, community radio, LPFM, LPON, narrowcasters, commercial radio, and more!

Media Realm

Media Realm develops premium Wordpress plugins for the media, broadcast, and non-profit industries.


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  • Integration: 17+ Automation Systems
  • Now-Playing Song & Artist data
  • Now-Playing Information Shortcodes
  • Popup Live-Stream Player
  • iTunes Song Artwork
  • Program Guide
  • Searchable Song History tool
  • Mobile support