This plugin adds features to WooCommerce to make it possible for your store to comply with the new (2015 onwards) EU VAT (also known as IVA, PVN, MwSt. etc., depending on your country) laws. These laws require the charging of different VAT rates to buyers in different countries. A default WooCommerce store does not comply with these complex and burdensome laws. This plugin is here to take the pain away!

The plugin’s features are spread across several areas.

Firstly, it will help you to setup the correct taxes in WooCommerce, by providing a facility to quickly add taxes for all European countries at current rates. (No need to key them all in by hand).

Secondly, it will help to charge the customer the correct taxes by using relevant criteria to identify the country of purchase (including IP address lookups). At this stage, it will also gather available evidence according to the law’s requirements for proving a customer’s location - and optionally allow you to force the customer to self-certify their location. Business customers are also able to enter their VAT number in order to be exempted from VAT (validated by the EU VIES system).

Thirdly and finally, the plugin includes reporting facilities - both a quick report in your WooCommerce dashboard which is enough to make tax reports with (summarising the amount of taxes collected in any chosen period, per country, and by order status), and a comprehensive CSV download which you can manipulate in your chosen spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice) to obtain whatever information you are interested in.

A number of other optional features are available, including displaying local VAT-inclusive prices from the first time the customer visits the shop, business-only sales, mixed shops (selling both digital and non-digital goods, during the time period in which different VAT laws apply to different types of goods), conversion of your sales currency/currencies into your tax-reporting currency, at official exchange rates, integration with invoices (e.g. add required lines to invoices to indicate VAT status), and more.

Simba Hosting

Most of our plugins have been written when we've not been satisfied with any of the existing offerings. We have a particular (but not exclusive) focus upon WooCommerce plugins.


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  • Identify customers' locations
  • Optional self-certification
  • Evidence recorded for audit
  • Display variable VAT prices
  • Widget and shortcode
  • Easy VAT rate entry
  • Forbid non-business sales
  • Exempt business buyers' VAT
  • Validation via VIES
  • Append lines to invoices
  • Sell mixed goods
  • Currency conversions, official rates
  • MOSS reporting
  • Comprehensive CSV download
  • Supports WooCommerce subscriptions