Event tracking in Google Analytics unlocks many new possibilities that you can’t get out of the box. Combined with Goals, events can be a powerful tool in your arsenal when trying to optimize your website. Events allow you to define, follow and fine tune new metrics that matter for your business.

The problem with Event Tracking is that it usually involve wiring code and modifying content. Even if you are a developer that feels conferrable with code, a central framework can save you tons of time.

WP Google Analytics Events Pro, the premium version of the free plugin, WP Google Analytics Events, allows you to integrate event tracking with a simple user interface.
It allows you track:

1. When a user clicks a link - With just one checkbox you can choose to track outgoing or internal links. For each click, you will know on which page the user interacted with the link and which destination url he transferred to.

2. YouTube Tracking - Create an event each time that a user clicks play, pause or finishes watching the movie. You can, for example, correlate the number of users that finished watching a movie and made a purchase.

3. Scroll Tracking - If you have a long form landing page, its hard to fine tune the content to make sure you keep your readers engaged. With scroll tracking, you can actually see which sections your visitors read.

4. Click Tracking - Assign events to clickable elements like buttons and form submits. Figure out which call to action button is better performing.

WP Google Analytics Events Pro helps you do all of this and more, keeping you focused on the analytics instead of coding.


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  • Link Tracking
  • Click Tracking
  • Scroll Tracking
  • YouTube Video Support
  • Better Bounce Rate
  • Control Shortcode Support