Yoast offers a free and a premium SEO plugin. Yoasts SEO premium adds several features to the free version!

1. Premium Support
Any questions about usage or having trouble setting this plugin up? Buying Yoast SEO Premium plugin gives you unlimited access to Yoast’s 24/7 support team!

2. A redirect manager
A redirect manager allows you to create and manage redirects form within your WordPress install. This way, you can redirect old URLs very easily to new ones and solve common issues.

3. Tutorial videos for the entire plugin
This premium version of the Yoast SEO plugin gives you access to 17 tutorial videos! So if you’re having trouble understanding this plugin or if you want to know how to handle the page analysis box: watch these videos and learn all about the possibilities of this premium plugin.


At Yoast, we help you optimize your website for SEO, conversion, and site speed, often using our WordPress plugins. Apart from our plugins, we also offer eBooks to help you optimize your website yourself. And if you need more specific help from us, you can have us do a Website Review. We make…


  • Works great

    It is my favorite SEO plugin but in real I have few problems with it. The new UI with the latest updates is not so good, also my OGG images doesn’t work properly. Also do NOT update to version 3!

    Still remains one of my favourite SEO plugin on the repo.

    Thank you for your feedback.

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