This little buddy is going to save you some much needed time. Time that could be spend buying and drinking coffee while surfing your favorite internet websites. This is the YouTube Field for Advanced Custom Fields. It creates a really cool and useful field that allows your clients to easily add YouTube videos to their (most likely) poorly crafted pages.

This field is pretty much dummy proof. If the client loads the YouTube ID or the whole YouTube URL or some wacky URL (probably people in the country of BE) this field will know what to do. And better yet it will ping the good old trusty YouTube Data API v3.

You can then use that data to make really cooly crafted pages that will maximize user retention and ROI and all those other key indicators. Write up something fancy and put it on their invoice.

Hal Gatewood

PRO Plugins for Advanced Custom Fields, EDD and my own Awesome Weather Widget. New theme plugins coming soon for my Testimonial Rotator.

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  • Connects to YouTube Data API V3
  • Instant preview in admin if YouTube video is found
  • Multiple Return Options
  • Get Video Views
  • Get Thumbnail objects
  • Works with ACF 4 & 5
  • Low Price