EmbedAlbum PRO is the most professional platform for displaying social media photos on any website. The platform allows users to create their specific accounts in the platform where will have the options to generate and store albums from their social media profiles. Currently, the platform supports Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and it is planned to upgrade the social media sources with the next product release.

The benefits of using a tool like EmbedAlbum PRO are numerous. It solves the problems for discovery, coding and maintaining web galleries. It also has an auto syncing option that allows a real time update of the web gallery. This means when the user posts photos in the actual album on their social media account it will automatically update the embedded album on their website.

Furthermore, each of the generated albums has a unique embeddable code that can be displayed on any website with a simple copy/paste. The platform is built from and for marketers who do not have any tech experience, so they will have no problem adapting it to their everyday activities very quickly.

All the above benefits result with saving time and money for both, the web developers and the social media managers.


EmbedSocial is a technology platform for social media plugins. The platform offers innovative tools and widgets integrated with social media networks that empower everyday marketing activities of the digital marketers, content creators and web developers.


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  • WordPress Integration
  • API Integration Option
  • Grid and Masonry Layouts Available
  • Slideshow Display
  • Facebook Full Gallery Display
  • Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Support
  • Responsive Mode
  • Numerous Formatting Options
  • Unlimited Albums Generation