If you are running a multi-author magazine, you certainly know what a hassle it is to keep track of how much each writer should be paid depending on the quality of their articles.
After setting it up with your payment criteria, Post Pay Counter PRO provides a outline of how much each author should be paid, with detailed breakdowns of how the payment was calculated just one click away.

Apart from giving you the due payment figures, the plugin also allows to pay directly through PayPal each writer. And the best part is that you will not have to bother to keep track of how much you have already paid each user and do the math for the current due payment: already paid performance will be subtracted automatically! Past payments can always be reviews through the apt payment history.

So: you have a nice and clear table with due payment figures, you hit the payment button, you provide your credentials and… that’s it! You can get back to work having saved hours of useless accounting and fiddling around!

This is just an overview: the plugin provides you with a lot of features so that you can finally use your time productively! Several addons are available to further extend Post Pay Counter PRO features.


Passionate about science and tech, I've started web-developing when I didn't even think it could be a job.

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  • General and detailed payments view
  • Tune your payment scheme combining several available criteria
  • Integration with PayPal
  • Integration with Analytics and Adsense
  • Mark as paid and review past payments
  • Shortcode to display stats in front-end
  • See stats from any time
  • Define special settings for each user
  • Export stats
  • Priority support