There are a lot of Google Maps plugins on the market. We went into an already crowded space with this one. But we did that for one clear purpose. There were no Maps plugins that do two things really well:

1. Give you a LIVE Map Building experience right in the browser
2. Allow you to work with data outside of just what Google Maps provides you with.

Here’s a break-down of those distinguishing features:


Maps Builder 2.0 introduces a full-screen live editing environment that is immersive, dramatic, and robust while still be very intuitive. The Maps Builder mode is like the WordPress Customizer. It allows you to add markers by simply clicking on the map. You’ll see bicycle layers, or nearby Google Places added to your map instantly. You can also preview any of the 80+ Snazzy Map “themes” by just choosing one and see the theme applied instantly.


The most exciting feature of Maps Builder Pro is the “Post Mashup” feature. This allows you to add a Maps Builder field to any of your posts, pages, or custom post types and configure those to appear dynamically on a map of your choice. For example, let’s say you have a custom post type called “Restaurants”. Each Restaurant has its own location. When you configure the Restaurant post type to be populated on a map, each time you create a new post, and choose a location for it, it will be automatically added to that map with the Title, Featured Image, and shortened Content of the post.


Honestly, the best reason to choose Maps Builder Pro is the team that’s behind it. Devin Walker, Founder and Lead Developer of WordImpress continues to impress the WordPress community with his development skills. Our donation plugin Give has quickly become the go-to solution for online donations in WordPress. Our free plugin WP-Rollback won the Orange County WordCamp Plugin-a-palooza in 2015. Our other WordPress plugins continue to provide top quality reviews and feedback from our users, and each of them are built and maintained by Devin.

Matt Cromwell is our Head of Support and Brand Ambassador. He’s your first point of contact with all things Maps Builder related. His support is guided by his development skills and first-hand knowledge of the plugin. And he’s just generally helpful to everyone he interacts with.

With these two guys behind the wheel you can’t go wrong with Maps Builder Pro.


Maps Builder Pro is on a roadmap to grow and expand. The “Post Mashup” feature is really just a glimpse into all the ways that Maps Builder will start to help you build “living maps” for your site. Visually striking representations of all kinds of data relevant to your website.


We build high quality, intuitive, gorgeous, premium plugins for WordPress -- done right. Here's to building the web!

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  • Immersive Full Screen Map Building
  • Powerful Post Mashups
  • Google Places Integration
  • Custom Markers
  • Custom Snazzy Maps
  • Import/Export Maps and Markers
  • Directions & Routes
  • Multiple Map Layers
  • Access to Future Add-ons
  • Priority Support