Users Insights is a WordPress users management plugin that allows you to easily analyze your users data and filter your users by different criteria, without having to write a single line of code. You can apply as many filters as you like and once added, the filters can be easily updated or removed.

Some of the key features of the plugin are:

- Users geolocation detection - detects the geolocation of the users and shows an interactive map of all of the users locations.
- Advanced user export - allows you to export the users in a CSV format by applying different criteria to the selection of the users that is exported. It also includes an option to select which fields are exported.
- User activity detection - counts the number of sessions for each user and saves the date when the user was last seen
- Device detection - detects the browser and platform details of the users
- Number of comments and posts created - the Users Insights table includes the number of posts/pages and comments created by each user

Users Insights also comes with out of the box support for the following plugins:

- WooCommerce - extracts the orders data for each user and allows you to filter the users by the number of orders, products ordered, order status and last order date
- BuddyPress - extracts the user activity data in the social network, such as groups, friends and activity updates info
- bbPress - extracts the user activity in the bbPress forums, such as number of replies posted and number of topics and forums created by each user.

All of the above-mentioned features and extracted data is available in the Users Insights advanced filters section, so you can easily filter your users by these fields. More details are also included in the user profile section that Users Insights generates for each user, such as a full list with the posts and comments created, full list with the WooCommerce orders or details about the user’s geolocation including a map.


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  • Smart Filters
  • Geolocation
  • Interactive Users
  • Map Export Users
  • WooCommerce Users Data
  • bbPress Users
  • Data BuddyPress
  • Users Data Device Detection
  • Online Users Detection
  • Users Activity
  • Tracking Detailed User Profile Pages
  • Instant Integration