The EU VAT Assistant extends WooCommerce with all the features you need to comply with the new VAT regulations that came into effect on the 1st of January 2015 (EU VAT MOSS regime). From that day, EU law dictates that the VAT rate applicable to sales of digital products to consumer (i.e. non-business buyers) has to be the one in effect in customer’s country. Although this seems to be simple, the regulations also require the seller to be able to prove that the customer country is the correct one, and to collect and store evidence that has to be provided in case of auditing. The EU VAT Assistant does all of this for you, automatically, behind the scenes.

How this plugin will make your life easier:

Tracks customer location

The EU VAT Assistant can detect from which country the customer is connecting, verify that the address entered at checkout matches such country, and guide the customer to solve any discrepancy.

Validates EU VAT numbers

The plugin includes a validation algorithm that will verify the EU VAT number entered by the customer at checkout. When a valid number is detected, the VAT will no longer be applied, as per intra-EU business trade regulations.

Supports multi-currency environments

The EU VAT Assistant was designed with multi-currency shops in mind. It’s fully compatible with our WooCommerce Currency Switcher, the leading multi-currency solution for WooCommerce. The plugin also allows to create reports in a currency different from the one used as the shop’s base currency.

Provides invaluable help configuring WooCommerce taxes

With 28 EU countries and two (or more) rates for each country, entering the tax rates by hand becomes a tedious, time consuming task. The EU VAT Assistant can populate all the tax rates for you, with a single click.

Collects all required evidence

The plugin will automatically record, against each order, all the evidence required to prove that a customer is located where he declared to be, as well as details such as customer’s VAT number, its validation result, and more. All stored information is available through the comprehensive reports included with the plugin.

Supports mixed shops

If you sell both products subject to the new VAT regulations and products that fall outside of it, we’ve got you covered.

Includes comprehensive reports

The EU VAT Assistant includes all the reports that you need to comply with the VAT MOSS regulations, and more:

- VAT MOSS report
- Domesitc VAT report
- INTRASTAT report
- VIES report

All the reports integrate seamlessly with the standard WooCommerce interface, and can be exported to a CSV file, for easy processing.

Top class support

The EU VAT Assistant is developed, maintained and supported by Aelia, the WooCommerce internationalisation specialists. By buying a support plan, you will get access to our top class premium support service, which guarantees lightning fast answers to any question you might have.

We are the authors of leading ecommerce plugins, such as Currency Switcher, Prices by Country, Tax Display by Country, and our service is second to none.


We sell the most powerful internationalisation solutions for WooCommerce. Multi-currency, country pricing, taxation, EU VAT compliance: we got you covered!

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  • Easy to use
  • Top class support service
  • Customers' location tracking
  • EU VAT number validation
  • Comprehensive VAT evidence tracking
  • Comprehensive reports
  • Supports multi-currency environments
  • Supports subscriptions
  • Supports mixed shops
  • Supports B2B/B2C restrictions