WP User Frontend Pro is designed and feature enriched to deliver a wide variety of powerful forms. Profile builders, registration forms, post submissions, guest blogging forms, adding custom taxonomies, custom fields, drop down selection menus, video submission interface, etc. are some of its common uses and features. But it has the capacity to create any sort of form you may conceive in mind. With more than N users, WP User Frontend Pro is one of the best plugins for the task on the market.

WP User Frontend Pro is a frontend form builder. So, the ease of use and its flexibility is quite refreshing. Building forms has never been this surprisingly quick without Frontend Pro. It has been constantly updated with new features, add-ons, improvements and the users just love it. Clients enjoy a 24/7 instant support from their top class support team.


weDevs is a plugin company from Bangladesh, building awesome WordPress solutions for your websites.

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  • Custom Dashboard
  • Custom Post Type Support
  • Custom Fields
  • Guest Posting
  • Email Notifications
  • Upload Attachments from Front-end
  • Pay per Post or Subscription
  • Publish/Pending post status
  • Profile form builder
  • Registration form builder
  • Custom taxonomy support
  • Captcha Support
  • Google Maps integration
  • PayPal Payment Gateway
  • Comment manager
  • Post Expiration